Down below you'll see a few ideas I have for new courses that I'll be putting out in the next year.  

I'd like to know which ones you'd actually be interested in.

Simply select the "I would purchase this" or "I would not purchase this" button below each option.

Your input here will really help me to create courses and products that YOU want.

- Justin

Question Title

* 1. How to write emails that convert 2-3x better than other emails - this would be a step-by-step course on how to write what I call "Zebra Emails".  These are emails that stand out and convert like crazy.  They work for affiliate emails, cold traffic emails and to your own list.  This course would apply to both copywriters and offer owners.  (Price $199)

Question Title

* 2. How to land high-paying copywriting clients - This course will detail my 3-page letter method (which I'll give to you) and I'll also give you the names, and email addresses of big direct response companies that can hire you.  You just have to send them this 3-page letter along with a sample of your work.  (Price $199)

Question Title

* 3. How to go from copywriter to offer owner - this is a blueprint of how to transition from being a copywriter to an offer owner.  I'll walk you through each step and show you how to choose a niche, create your first offer, build the funnel, get merchant accounts and more.  This will be an A-Z walkthrough of how to create your first offer (Price $199)

Question Title

* 4. The Ultimate Upsell Formula - this course will show you how to create upsells that convert at 30-50%.  This is crucial for scaling your offer on cold traffic.  Also if you're a copywriter, learning how to write killer upsells for clients is an easy way to get a $10k or $20k payday. I'll share examples of both info products and physical products and what works best for getting that 30-50% conversion rate on your upsell (Price $199)

Question Title

* 5. How to write Facebook compliant copy that actually converts -  this course will show you how to use what I call "feel good direct response" to write compliant Facebook copy that actually converts.  It will have a bunch of examples of compliant ads, sales pages, advertorials and more. (Price $199)

Question Title

* 6. Dealing with perfectionism/imposter syndrome and more - this course would be all about dealing with the emotional things that hold you back as an entrepreneur.  Things like perfectionism, or feeling like you're not good enough, or thinking you don't have the skills to do something.   I'll share some of the strategies I have used to help me get past some of this (Price $199)