Down below you'll see a few ideas I have for presentations at our next event in February

I'd like to know which topics you'd be interested in.

Simply select the option under each one that correlates with  how you feel about the topic.

- Justin

Question Title

* 1. How to write emails that SELL - this would be all about affiliate swipes, cold traffic emails and more.  We'll show you some of the best types of email angles that are proven to work - and that you can start using right away

Question Title

* 2. Inside a successful "challenge funnel" that's bringing in thousands of customers on auto-pilot - this would be a full breakdown of a typical "5 day challenge" type funnel.  We'd show you how to create one, how to run it and how to monetize the new buyers

Question Title

* 3. How to go from 0 to 100 sales a day on cold traffic - this would be a breakdown of how to create a new offer, come up with the hook, assemble the copy and test traffic to get it from 0 to 100 sales a day

Question Title

* 4. Hidden AOV boosters - how to add an extra $10, $20 or even $40 to your average-order-value with proven AOV boosters that most offer owners aren't using

Question Title

* 5. How to dial-in upsells that are underperforming - this would be a live breakdown of upsells that are not working, and we would show you how to fix those upsells to maximize your AOV

Question Title

* 6. How an email expert makes 2-3x what other list owners make - this would be one of the top email experts in the world showing us how he is able to make 2-3x what other list owners make by some of his "monetizing hacks".

Question Title

* 7. Alternative Traffic Sources - Generating 8 figures a year with instagram, influencers and Tik Tok traffic - this would be all about traffic outside of Facebook/Google - and give you insights into how you can get a bunch of new buyers with things like instagram, Tik Tok and influencer marketing

Question Title

* 8. From "dud to stud" - how to fix an offer that's underpeforming.  We'll dive into the main problems hurting your offer, and what you should do to fix it so you can scale

Question Title

* 9. Inside a successful book funnel that's doing 100-300 sales a day -  this presentation would be lead by a guy that is currently bringing in a lot of customers with a successful book funnel.  He'd go into how it works, how the upsells work and how the backend works as well

Question Title

* 10. Inside successful "bump sells" - the bump sell on your checkout page can help a lot (if you get it right).  This talk would show a bunch of different examples of bump sells that work and others that don't