Down below you'll see a few ideas I have for new reports and videos I want to make.

I'd like to know which topics you'd be interested in.

Simply select the option under each one that correlates with how you feel about the topic.

- Justin

Question Title

* 1. Behind the scenes of an offer that did 1000+ buyers a day - I'll breakdown how we came up with the product, the hook, the copy and what traffic sources we used to scale it

Question Title

* 2. How to be a direct response millionaire - a full breakdown of how I used what I call the "SOS method" to go from being broke to a multi-millionaire in just a few years (I'll show you how to do the same)

Question Title

* 3. The money/freedom/happiness blueprint - this is my playbook for creating a life where you're making the money you want, you don't have anyone telling you what to do, and you truly enjoy your life.  I'll breakdown how I've created this life for myself, and how you can do the same.

Question Title

* 4. How to go from 0 to 100 sales a day on cold traffic - this would be a breakdown of how to create a new offer, come up with the hook, assemble the copy and test traffic to get it from 0 to 100 sales a day

Question Title

* 5. 13 things they never tell you about how to make 7-figures a year - this would be a detailed breakdown of what it actually takes to make 7-figures a year (in income).  Most of this I learned the hard way, and wish I knew it sooner.  So I want to share these insights with you.